Powered By Cloudaccess.net 1C Operator Jobs In Ukraine - Jobs Everywhere

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1C operator

Job description

Large logistics company invites 1C operator to work
  • work experience is desirable
  • attentiveness, accuracy, responsibility;
  1. receipt and processing of invoices;
  2. work with claims;
  3. processing applications from the client in 1C;
  4. effective communication with all interested parties on the status of the implementation of applications,
  5. adjustment in 1C packing slips
  1. working shift from 9.00 to 21.00, Saturday, Sunday - days off.
Salary 2 times / month, without delay.
Location of the warehouse: with. V. Dimerka (Brovarskaya St., 149)
Corporate transportation in the city of Brovary, from the metro Lesnaya, with the village. Kozelets.

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